Saturday, March 28, 2009

Nodame Cantabile Chapter 128

Lesson 128

First, I'm so happy because the cover of Kiss Magazine is Chiaki-sama! However, I got a bit scared of the following inscription. It read, "since I've come this far alone, there's no need for me to run after him now." It was supposed to be Nodame saying that. Let's get to that later.

The chapter follows where we left off the last time. Nodame is still performing and is now into the 3rd movement. Chiaki's the one having internal monologue almost all throughout the chapter. He's commenting Nodame's use of Mazurka, a polish folk dance as the basis of her rondo. He also thinks that Maestro Stresemann is really good, not being fazed by Nodame's bad start. Chiaki is admiring how Nodame is really good not only in technical parts but she's good period. He thought, "I want to give life to the music along with her!"

After the performance, the crowd broke into a huge applause with people screaming "Bravo! Bravo!" Stresemann hugged Nodame and she shook hands with the concert master.

Later, Nodame was thinking back what happened on the stage. On the other room, a very beat up Stresemann (because of what Nodame had done, being clumsy and changing what they'd practice) doesn't want to come up for his next performance and keep saying, "Gimme some ice cream!" I dunno why ice cream? But still, he went back the stage and performed Brahms Symphony No. 4. (Haven't heard it yet, gotta look for it later.)

When all the performance was finally over, Oliver, Stresemann's bodyguard was shocked to see so many people waiting outside Nodame's room, guests and reporters alike. Oliver was with Chiaki and Chiaki wanted to leave and said that he will talk to her next time. But Oliver insisted and said that it must be Chiaki-sempai the first one who'll tell Nodame what he thought of her performance.

Oliver knocked on Nodame's room and told her that Chiaki was there to see her. A, I don't know, shocked? surprised? Nodame told Oliver that she doesn't want to see him. Oliver relayed the message to Chiaki, making him looked dumbfounded. And that's where the chapter ended.



First, Ninomiya-sensei's been leaving us with cliffhangers since she came back. I'm not complaining though, I'm already happy that she's back writing my favorite manga again.

So, about this chapter. I knew it the moment I saw the inscription about Nodame not following Chiaki anymore, that the series is turning over a new leaf now. We saw Chiaki appreciating how good Nodame is. Well, he already knows and acknowledge that she is very gifted but I think this is the first time when he actually thought of "giving life to the music along with her!"

Now, for Nodame, I think she's tired already. Having feeling left out all the time, with Chiaki further advancing in his career, and having been rejected by him that last time (see chapter 123), I think she had enough already. Maybe she feels that it's time for her to think of herself. And she made a decision to advance by herself. Her performance with Stresemann not only served as her debut but it's also the thing that separated her from Chiaki. Remember that she wanted to debut with Chiaki as the conductor.

She doesn't want to see Chiaki because I think, her feelings are of course still there. We know she loves him for real. After all, she did everything just to be with him right? She doesn't want to see him because she might change her mind, and run after Chiaki again.

Looks like Nodame Cantabile's heading for a sad arc. If I'm right with what I'm thinking, I think it's Chiaki's turn now to run after Nodame.
Let's now all wait for Chapter 129. Hopefully, it won't be too much of a cliffhanger like Chapters 127 and 128.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nodame Cantabile Chapter 127

Mukya! I’ve said this so many times but I’m saying it again, Nodame-chan I missed you! It’s good to have you back. And you too, Chiaki-sempai.

Okay, on to the chapter.

It opens with a beautiful illustration of Nodame and Chiaki walking in Paris. That picture above. I love it, it’s a beautiful picture. Next, it’s the last scene in chapter 126 when Maestro Stresemann said, when they are about to play, “It’s time to let the music play.” On the side, there read, “Is this heaven? Or is it hell?” Hmmm, what could this mean?

Everyone inside the hall was abuzz. They kept speculating who the piano player is. She’s unknown but knowing Maestro Stresemann, they think he wouldn’t pick someone who’s not good and beautiful. Hearing the “beautiful” quote made Chiaki react, “This again?”

Moreover, Chiaki wondered how Nodame got Stresemann for her debut and also one of England’s finest orchestras accompanying her.

Nodame entered the hall wearing a determined yet funny expression on her face. She’s also pouting her lips when she shook hands with the concertmaster. The audience was surprised to see that she’s only a kid, though not literally. ^,^

The piece was Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor. I listened to the piece and it was a wonderful piano concerto. Sorrowful at first, then building up.

When it was Nodame’s turn to finally perform, the orchestra members and Stresemann too were surprised that she’s playing it differently from how they practiced it before. Different, but still amazing. Elise was also furious. Chiaki’s not surprised because he knows that wherever Nodame performs, she’ll always be true to herself. However, he also realizes that she’s not that messy as before and she’s trying her best not to make the performance a failure.

Chiaki then remembered what his mom told him that Nodame was his angel because she was the one who helped him recovered from his phobia and finally go to Europe. However, he was also thinking that God kept him back in Japan so that he can bring Nodame to the stage in Europe. He wondered, “wasn’t I the angel?”



So, there. That’s chapter 127. I don’t know, maybe I was just waiting for this installment for so long that I felt like I was left hanging. 32 pages weren’t enough to satiate the longing.

“Is this heaven? Or is it hell?” I was confused however when I read this, two things came to mind. One, Nodame’s finally debuting. That stage could be her heaven finally. However, if it won’t go well, it could be her hell because it might ruin her chances.

Debuting with Stresemann is a very big step for Nodame, not only for her musical career but personally. We are finally seeing her doing something serious for her career. For so long, Nodame was advancing not for herself but because she was chasing Chiaki. But I guess after that rejection in chapter 123, she finally wakes up and decides that she must do something for herself now.

At the end of chapter 126, I was so preoccupied with thoughts of how Chiaki would react when he finally saw Nodame perform on stage with Stresemann and not with him. In this chapter, I’m glad to see him looked proud of her.

And now it looks like things are going into a new direction.

Waiting for chapter 128 now… Thank God, it won’t be that long.