Thursday, August 27, 2009

Clearing up some rumors

I admit, I also believed this when I heard about it.

My friend, the one who sends me the raws, said that there are rumors that Nodame Cantabile would probably end in chapter 135 or 136. I actually believed that for awhile. It's obvious that we are heading towards the end but after reading the latest chapter (134), seriously, how can that be??? Unless the next chapter would have so so so many pages.

And besides, it has been reported that the manga's end would coincide with the opening of the final live action next spring. Spring months in Japan are March, April and May. So, Nodame Cantabile will end next year. We have a few more chapters to enjoy. Yay!!!

Just so everything is clear. I was confused when I heard those rumors myself. I read the news before so when the rumors came out, I thought maybe Ninomiya-sensei changed her mind? And when I read chapter 133 when Chiaki decided to accept Nodame's proposal and everything felt so rushed, I thought umm, maybe she's really ending it so she's rushing a lot.

But Chapter 134 proved otherwise. So, I checked again and asked my friend to check too. And at the end, we decided to stick to what Asahi Shimbun reported. The manga's end will be next spring.

So sorry again to those people who asked me about it and that's what I said.

If anything comes up, or if there will be any changes again, I would certainly post it here.

EDIT: Please read the news update. Go here.

Nodame Cantabile 134

Here's the much awaited chapter 134. However, beware, another bloody cliffhanger.

Onto the summary.

Lesson 134

Nodame was still around with the children, acting like a teacher and playing with them. The children requested her to play different compositions and she gladly did it for them. The children all think that Nodame is really good and awesome.

On the way out of the room, she met Yunlong who asked her what she is doing. He said that she had the chance that everyone wanted and after all the work she had done, she shouldn't be doing this. However, Nodame is still ignoring Yunlong. Frank and Tanya heard the conversation and they looked worried.

Nodame went to Yadovi's room. Looks like the two now are really good friends. They talked about Nodame's songs. Yadovi had made some arrangement to Nodame's song and she played it. Nodame liked it and she said that it was amazing to hear someone arranged the song she composed. She also told Yadovi how she always get yelled at for rearranging classical compositions back in the music school.

Yadovi said that back in the 18th century, the composers were also the performers and she thinks that Nodame may be fitted for something like that. Also, in the 19th century where nobody cares even if you added something/made changes to the song you're playing.

Every classical compositions now have recordings and there is the supposed right way to play every song. This made them feel restrained and afterwards, people will have to critique on how you play the composition. Nodame said that when you perform your own song, you can do it anyway you like.

Nodame showed Yadovi another one of her compositions. This one is about Nattou. She said she wanted to play this on a children show. Yadovi said that she wanted something like that too.

They started playing Yadovi's song while the children sang the lyrics to it. Chiaki came back from Brazil and he was outside listening to Nodame playing. He thinks that Nodame is better this way. If this is the path that she has chosen, then he can accept it. Since as long as he is with her, he can hear her play and listen to her every time he wants.

Inside the room, Yadovi made Nodame stopped because Nodame made some mistakes. Nodame said that she's rearranging it a little. She and Yadovi started to squabble a bit. The children started to wonder if Nodame is really good. They said she's disappointing.

Nodame contradicted what they said and told them that she can do it if she wants too. She looked serious and started to play Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 31. Everyone is transfixed. Even Chiaki. With tears in his eyes, Chiaki thought that even though he thinks that way, every time he hears Nodame play like this, he always wanted to see her perform on stage.

He opened the door to the room.




A freakin' cliffhanger right?

When chapter 133 ended, we all know that Chiaki has decided to accept Nodame's proposal. By the looks of his first thoughts, that is exactly what he has intended to do. He decided to accept the path that Nodame has chosen. When I was reading the raws, I was anxiously waiting for that moment.

However, surprisingly, when Chiaki heard Nodame played the Beethoven Sonata, he realized that he just can't let it go. (He had tears in his eyes after hearing her play dammit!) He wanted to see Nodame perform amazingly on stage. So, instead of a proposal, he asked her to do a concerto with him.

We all know that aside from being Chiaki's bride, this concerto has always been Nodame's dream. She wanted to play the piano while he would be the one conducting.

I wonder what Nodame's first reaction going to be, aside from the shock look on her face when she heard Chiaki's voice. They haven't seen each other for so long.

But, the big question is, will she accept it as easily as that? Or would she refuse?

Is it safe to say with this new development that being a Kindergarten teacher is a no-no for now?

Oh, well, let's all find that out in Chapter 135 to be released on September 25. Another month-long wait.

Hey! Leave your comments!!! Share your thoughts and let's discuss!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ueno Juri's New Drama Trailer

Yeah! I'm so excited for this. Thanks to my friend in Twitter for providing me the link.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nodame Cantabile 133

Woohoo! Here it is. I was planning to do this post last Aug. 10 after reading the raws but something came up. Anyway, I'm also happy that Nodame is on the cover of Kiss Magazine.

Onto the summary.

Lesson 133

Nodame has come back to Paris.
What will happen when she finally meets Chiaki???

Chiaki finally arrived in Brazil but he was surprised to be brought to the beach by the guy who picked him up. The guy said that he wanted Chiaki to enjoy first and go sightseeing in the beach since it is his first time in Brazil. But Chiaki doesn't want to be in the beach.

In the concert hall, he met the concertmaster and a saxophone player from England named Jimmy. Jimmy is bright and friendly while Chiaki is quiet and gloomy. The other people in the rehearsal can't help but notice how the two are complete opposites of each other.

After the rehearsal, Chiaki and Jimmy got into a conversation. Jimmy was telling Chiaki about a female violinist and it seemed that he was interested in her. Aside from that, he is also commenting about Chiaki's personality. Jimmy was thinking that maybe it was because of the heat in this foreign country that's got Chiaki all stiff.

When Chiaki returned to hotel, he saw the message on his phone from Kuroki. (The last scene , Chapter 132) "Megumi-chan has come back to the apartment in Paris. She's doing fine." Aside from the text message, Kuroki also sent a video. Chiaki watched the scene where Nodame was playing her 'fart exercise" and laughing happily. Chiaki thought Nodame is happy with her life back in Japan.

The next morning, Chiaki saw Jimmy with the blonde violinist. They greeted each other and Jimmy said that he's thinking of getting married. Chiaki thought this was incredulous since the two only met yesterday. However, Jimmy was adamant about it.

While practicing, Chiaki has decided that he will accept Nodame's proposal. He thought that it might be already late and that she might've forgotten about it already but he has decided that he would say 'yes.' (Squeal!!!! about time, Chiaki, you damn, damn fool!!!)

Back in Paris, Nodame has become somewhat like a babysitter for kids. Tanya was surprised that there are even more kids playing with her. She wondered what Nodame is thinking, getting paid for doing something like this, since she has already debuted and very popular.

Kuroki, while looking at Nodame, remembered that she has always wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher before. He thinks that maybe, Nodame still hasn't changed.



When I was reading the raws last Monday, I felt like I was going crazy. Haha. Especially, when I read that part where Chiaki has finally decided to accept Nodame's proposal. Ah! It definitely feels like we're approaching the end. Okay, I know that we only have a few chapters left however, it didn't feel that way with the previous chapters. It felt like there was still so much more to happen. But seriously, after reading chapter 133, I felt that we are on the way to THE END. Now, why do I feel like Ninomiya-sensei is rushing things?

Aside from that, it looks like she's laying her plans for Nodame out in the open. Kuroki's comment regarding Nodame 'not changing at all' is a big thing. Nodame wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher before. That changed when she met and fell in love with Chiaki and decided to be with him everywhere he goes. That's why she tried to be a professional pianist. But, somehow, you think she's gonna end up like what she really wanted before she met Chiaki?

Well, personally, I think she'll do good as a teacher. She loves kids, and she's like a kid herself so it would be fun for her, for sure. A lot would surely think that she's going to lose a lot (after all, she's on her way to stardom.) But seriously, what's wrong with being a Kindergarten teacher???

So, back to Chiaki accepting Nodame's proposal. I'm happy with this development. Of course, I am rooting for them and I love the two of them to be together. However I am not sure if we can just let Chiaki get away with what he did to Nodame this easily. It sure took him forever to realize how important Nodame is to his life. Like what I've said, Chiaki you damn fool.

Wow, so many things happening to this manga and I'm loving it. Next chapter, I'm sure we're gonna see all the characters together.

Let's all wait for Nodame Cantabile Chapter 134 on August 25, shall we?

(P.S. ^_^ Tell me what you guys think. I love reading your own take on the situation. Leave a comment. We only have a few chapters to go before we say goodbye to our beloved manga.)

EDIT AFTER READING THE COMMENTS: (Actually, I posted this as a reply to the comments but just in case others don't read the comments section.)

Maybe Ninomiya-sensei just wants us to think a lot of 'what ifs.' I agree with 'Nodame being destined for something greater in music.'

And when I also read about Kuroki's comment about Nodame being a teacher, I wondered 'so what exactly are we following all throughout these years? Aren't we supposed to see Nodame grow? and Chiaki also? but more importantly Nodame since this is NODAME Cantabile???

Actually, a lot of questions are still left unanswered. I really hope that for 8 years, Ninomiya-sensei has carefully planned what will happen to this series because it started beautifully and until now, it's still wonderful and strong, so I really don't want it to fall short having a weak ending.

Phew! We are getting so worked up for this. A friend of mine thinks that Chapter 133 sucks and to her, it seemed that Ninomiya-sensei is like just lazing around and getting tired of writing. For me, I will still put my faith in Sensei. After all, for 8 years, she gave us a wonderful story despite her pregnancy, health problems and all. And if, (just if) we (or I for that matter) will get disappointed at the end, I still think that it was all worth it. Sometimes, the end isn't as important as the whole ride.

And even as of now, I can say that my whole Nodame Cantabile experience is one heck of a ride!!!

(Keep the comments coming. Reading other people's perspective to the story adds a whole new and different experience ^_^)