Saturday, March 28, 2009

Nodame Cantabile Chapter 128

Lesson 128

First, I'm so happy because the cover of Kiss Magazine is Chiaki-sama! However, I got a bit scared of the following inscription. It read, "since I've come this far alone, there's no need for me to run after him now." It was supposed to be Nodame saying that. Let's get to that later.

The chapter follows where we left off the last time. Nodame is still performing and is now into the 3rd movement. Chiaki's the one having internal monologue almost all throughout the chapter. He's commenting Nodame's use of Mazurka, a polish folk dance as the basis of her rondo. He also thinks that Maestro Stresemann is really good, not being fazed by Nodame's bad start. Chiaki is admiring how Nodame is really good not only in technical parts but she's good period. He thought, "I want to give life to the music along with her!"

After the performance, the crowd broke into a huge applause with people screaming "Bravo! Bravo!" Stresemann hugged Nodame and she shook hands with the concert master.

Later, Nodame was thinking back what happened on the stage. On the other room, a very beat up Stresemann (because of what Nodame had done, being clumsy and changing what they'd practice) doesn't want to come up for his next performance and keep saying, "Gimme some ice cream!" I dunno why ice cream? But still, he went back the stage and performed Brahms Symphony No. 4. (Haven't heard it yet, gotta look for it later.)

When all the performance was finally over, Oliver, Stresemann's bodyguard was shocked to see so many people waiting outside Nodame's room, guests and reporters alike. Oliver was with Chiaki and Chiaki wanted to leave and said that he will talk to her next time. But Oliver insisted and said that it must be Chiaki-sempai the first one who'll tell Nodame what he thought of her performance.

Oliver knocked on Nodame's room and told her that Chiaki was there to see her. A, I don't know, shocked? surprised? Nodame told Oliver that she doesn't want to see him. Oliver relayed the message to Chiaki, making him looked dumbfounded. And that's where the chapter ended.



First, Ninomiya-sensei's been leaving us with cliffhangers since she came back. I'm not complaining though, I'm already happy that she's back writing my favorite manga again.

So, about this chapter. I knew it the moment I saw the inscription about Nodame not following Chiaki anymore, that the series is turning over a new leaf now. We saw Chiaki appreciating how good Nodame is. Well, he already knows and acknowledge that she is very gifted but I think this is the first time when he actually thought of "giving life to the music along with her!"

Now, for Nodame, I think she's tired already. Having feeling left out all the time, with Chiaki further advancing in his career, and having been rejected by him that last time (see chapter 123), I think she had enough already. Maybe she feels that it's time for her to think of herself. And she made a decision to advance by herself. Her performance with Stresemann not only served as her debut but it's also the thing that separated her from Chiaki. Remember that she wanted to debut with Chiaki as the conductor.

She doesn't want to see Chiaki because I think, her feelings are of course still there. We know she loves him for real. After all, she did everything just to be with him right? She doesn't want to see him because she might change her mind, and run after Chiaki again.

Looks like Nodame Cantabile's heading for a sad arc. If I'm right with what I'm thinking, I think it's Chiaki's turn now to run after Nodame.
Let's now all wait for Chapter 129. Hopefully, it won't be too much of a cliffhanger like Chapters 127 and 128.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I was hoping to find someone commenting on the latest chapters after reading them! I was kind of conflicted after readin this chapter... But after thinking about it for awhile, I'm liking the latest developments more and more. Nodame wants to play ALONGSIDE him, not watching his back all of the time. I really do hope we have Chiaki chasing after her for once, though I'm sure the stubborn mule will have to go through some dark times before he starts moving.

Anonymous said...

Hi thanks for the summary and thoughts. It's nice to have second opinion; to know what other thinks of the chapter. Btw, do know when chapter 129 is going to be out?

Lei said...

Hey, thanks for reading my summaries and comments and putting your own comments as well.

I know Nodame Cantabile is published biweekly in Kiss Magazine so maybe somewhere between April 6-10. I'm not really sure. I was trying to google it but to no avail.

However, it still all depends on how fast NCIS will be able to scanlate it since almost all the online manga sites are depending on their scanlations. Me included.

Anonymous said...

with regard to the newest chapter, I think it's also important to take note that Chiaki has been acting out selfishly and have perceived their situation as him being Nodame's 'saving grace'.

I found that disturbing because upon hearing her good performance, he sort of back-flipped and thought 'she wouldn't be here doing any of this if it weren't for me'.


It's actually irritating if you think about it. After everything that Nodame had to go through, which he was fully aware of by the by, he had the gull to think that way?

Not only does his thought reflect vanity, it also shows his seeming insecurity.
Let's not forget, Nodame is also a fellow-pianist. Perhaps Chiaki's lover and friend, but still a rival in a way nonetheless.

I'm sure others are also fuming with irritation, especially over Son Rui for robbing the spotlight off of Nodame, which so much conflicted Nodame's judgment about her current disposition.

Imagine, working so hard and dreaming of performing with that one person who promised with you that you're going to be his first duet with the orchestra--and suddenly you get ditched--TWICE??!

And of course our beloved protagonist had to console herself with the thought, all self-sacrificing and all that it was for the benefit of that dying orchestra which Chiaki tried hard to manage.

It was the second ditch, I believe, that finally turned her off. I think that way way beyond the limits. Chiaki should've known better and been more sensitive.

And instead of staying and reassuring his feelings for Nodame after their 'first time' together, he left off for freaking Italy! What a man. If you call that a man.

No offense with Chiaki fans. I, too, have been a fan of him, but only until this point did I realize how Ninomiya-sempai tried to show us how lacking our mouth-dropping conductor could be.

At least for now, with the last few scenes, Nodame has regained her pride and found a sense of preservation. If Chiaki was hurt with her not seeing him after her debut in London, it was his fault on the first place.

But yeah, I agree with the author of this critic-article that there's definitely going to be a new chapter.

Son Rui's gonna be there, I bet. All-out hoping Chiaki would return her feeligs. God she's so infuriating--and tries so hard. She didn't even think about how her actions would affect Nodame, who's been, quite technically, Chiaki's girlfriend halfway their stay in Europe.

I'm looking forward to that young blonde boy who's growing up so fast that he's been fancying Nodame bdw! Remember how he'd decided to shift to conducting from piano-playing? I think that's gonna be interesting.

Unless of course, Ninomiya has a better male third-wheel in mind, who can finally pose as a serious competition for Chiaki with regard to deserving Nodame's affection.


Lei said...

@Spinx: Thanks for the comment. I love reading other people's take on the manga. Yes, Chiaki was being selfish indeed. He said this very clearly in chapter 127 when he said thought that, "wasn't I the angel?"

I am also hoping for a a third wheel. We already have Son Rui for Chiaki. I thought Kuroki was going to be it (well, he did for a very short time).

Somehow, Chiaki needs to wake up.