Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nodame Cantabile 129

Here it is guys, the real thing! We have been waiting for a very long time for this scanlated chapter.

Lesson 129

"If I wait, will she come back?

When I notice it, will that smiling face be next to me?"


What another sad and a bit scary inscription. This is obviously Chiaki saying it.

Okay, onto the summary.

After the show, everyone was praising Nodame. They all think she was amazing having played Chopin like that. People also think that this kind of thing is expected from the Maestro Stresemann. Oliver was talking to Chiaki and he was trying to stop him from leaving. He said that he could wait a little longer and he will be able to speak with Stresemann. Chiaki begged off and said that he has to go back that night because of the rehearsal for the opera. They overhear people all around them mentioning Nodame's name. Oliver said that Nodame is a spectacular girl so this thing might turn into something spectacular. Chiaki agreed but sadly thought that they will not be able to go back to how they were before everything.

The next morning, the news of Nodame's was all over London. She's on newspapers, tv and Internet. Two friends were reading different newspapers. The one the girl was holding is praising Nodame saying she's an endangered species brought in front of them. The girl was so curious and said that she wanted to see the performance. However, the one that the boy was holding was saying the exact opposite calling Nodame's Chopin a "Novel Chopin" and was saying negative things. But all this made peope want to see the performance more.

Back in Stresemann's office, Elise and Oliver are busy with the phones. A lot of people are inquiring about Nodame. Elise said that Nodame must join there office since they were the one who handled her debut. Elise had no difficulties in making Nodame sign the contract because until now, Nodame is still floating.

Students in the conservatory are also talking about Nodame. Nodame's friends too were shocked. Auclair sensei was surprised too. Chiaki's family also watched Nodame's performance on Youtube. However, her own family wasn't aware of anything. They were busy watching some dramas.

Elise wanted Nodame to perform again on Stresemann's next concert however Nodame is adamant that she can't perform like that again. Then she noticed her phone ringing and Chiaki's name was on the screen. She ignored the call.

On the other hand, Chiaki was dumfounded. Viera-sensei noticed that Chiaki is not acting normal eversince he came back from London. Jean ended up telling Viera-sensei all about Chiaki and Nodame's situation. Makes you wonder how Chiaki opened up to Jean about his situation with Nodame.

Back to London, Stresemann was informed by Elise that Nodame left. She left her phone but her purse and passport was gone.



See!!! We are so right with our predictions. Nodame Cantabile is indeed going through a sad arc. Makes me a bit afraid because it makes me feel that my favorite manga is about to end. No, no, no. Erase that!!!

Okay, the first inscription. Chiaki was sitting there looking so gloomy. "If I wait, will she come back? When I notice it, will that smiling face be next to me?" This is definitely something. Looks like Chiaki's finally waking up. He was so used to leaving Nodame behind. He was also used to coming back whenever he felt like it and seeing her still there where he left her. Now, this time, Nodame was the one who left him. There is also no indication on when she will return. She doesn't want to see him and she doesn't want to talk to him. The impact must be so huge for him. This might be the first time he realized how much she means to him and how much he misses her.

Now about Nodame's shock. I think we can somehow (and I'm guessing here, okay) attribute it to Chiaki's appearance at the concert. All this time, she was so immersed with practicing. Maybe, Chiaki never so much entered her mind then. But when he appeared and wanted to talk to her, she was rattled. She might've remembered what made her did what she did. Why she decided to debut all of a sudden. Now, Chiaki's calling her. She doesn't know how to handle her feelings. Is she ready to talk to him? About what? For what? So, she left.

But this could also be because she was surprised at her own performance.

We are going to wait quite awhile for Nodame Cantabile Chapter 130. It will be released on May 25, 2009. Wow, a day before my birthday. Haha. It's a present, I guess.

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