Monday, May 25, 2009

Nodame Cantabile 130

Waah, I'm so happy. It's already out, just right before my birthday. Haha. See, it's really an otanjoubi no presento!

On to the summary.

Lesson 130

Music that sounds more pleasant

Somehow, in Nodame's flight, she ended up in Cairo, Egypt. The first scene showed her asking for a drink in a bar. The bartender started a conversation with her. Well, actually, he kept asking her questions like what she's doing alone in Egypt? Where are her parents? Nodame said that she's not a baby and wonders why people are treating her like a kid. The bartender just laughed but kept on asking her questions. "You're a tourist right? Are you Japanese? Why are you here alone?"

Nodame explained that she carelessly got off the bus. The bartender asked her where is her real destination, her final destination. She said it was supposed to be where he is. He being Chiaki. Then she went on saying that she already went there with somebody else. The man asked her if she's already on her way home.

The scene shifted to London and here we see a character that, although we have seen a few chapters back, hasn't played so much role yet. It is Charles Auclair. He's in London as a judge for some competition. At the hotel lobby, he bumped (not literally) to Stresemann who's going out with Elise on his heels. Stresemann is worried about Nodame.

Apparently, Stresemann and Auclair had already performed together and it has been 20 years since they last saw each other. They quabbled with each other a bit, arguing who's younger. Stresemann asked if Charles was there to see him. He said he wasn't and was there for a competition.

Charles mentioned that Stresemann did something really crazy to his student (Nodame). Stresemann said that there was no need for Charles to thank him but Charles vehemently said that there was no reason for him to thank Stresemann because he destroyed his plan. Just a little bit more and Nodame would've become a true pianist.

Stresemann wonders what's being a true pianist all about. Charles explained that it is the resolve to make living as a pianist regardless of whatever happens. He said that Nodame didn't like the competition and the business of the music world even though she likes music. Worst of it all is the fact that she made that far with only the goal of performing with her boyfriend.

Stresemann talked about seeing Nodame in Japan first and thought she was wonderful. He said he thought that the only thing left was to get her to perform on stage. He was just like being a parent. He said that the performance was a success and so was her debut. Charles reminded him that Nodame has gone off and he was a devil who doesn't know about parental love. He should stop being childish and grow up. Elise who was listening nearby agreed with him. Charles continued that he doesn't care about the people around him. Stresemann, a bit taken aback, wondered what he should do. Charles said that there's nothing for him to do. Nodame has to decide for herself.

In Italy, Chiaki was having lunch with Jean when he received a phone call from Nodame's number. When he answered, the caller said, "Shinichi-kun, it's Nodame. I love you." However, it wasn't her. Chiaki quickly realized it was Elise and asked her what she's up to. He even said that it pisses him off because she just sounds like Nodame. Elise asked him if Nodame was with him. Elise said that Nodame had gone missing after saying she cannot play. Chiaki said that he wanted to look for her but Elise said that it's better for him not to. After that, she said she has work for Chiaki in Brazil. Elise said that he has to concentrate on his work and to take care. After he hung up, he thought to himself, "what do you mean you can't play?" All this time, Jean was listening.

Back in Cairo, Nodame is sharing a room with some Chinese girl. She said that she's gonna go outside to buy some food and asked Nodame if she wants to come with her. They talked about sightseeing and the pyramids. However, some guy noticed them and recognized Nodame as the pianist who performed with Stresemann. This guy was so impressed with Nodame's playing and said that she moved him. He said that he was her fan. The Chinese girl was surprised to learn that Nodame was a famous pianist. She said that it was amazing how she can move someone's feelings with her playing. She said she wanted to hear it too. Nodame thought that she did it properly and yes, she faced the music so she doesn't need to anymore.

Meanwhile, back in Italy, Viera was looking for Chiaki as he was finishing a rehearsal. Jean told him that he was in the balcony. Chiaki is in the dumps and he can't be of any help. Jean told Viera-sensei what he heard earlier however he got it all wrong. He said that Chiaki is entangled with a girl named Elise in Brazil. Jean told maestro that he should talk to Chiaki and say something like "I'm the maestro of love." Viera-sensei thought that was pretty idiotic to say. Jean tried again and said that why not the treat me as your father thing. Viera said, "There's no need for him to think of anyone as his father." Lo and behold, Chiaki Masayuki came. He was out to ask Viera-sensei to eat out.



Quite a long wait, however, not as long as the hiatus so I am not complaining.

After I read chapter 129, I didn't know what to expect for the next chapter. We all know that Nodame's gone off to somewhere. I thought that she had a clear destination but it looks like she just went off in a daze. Hmm, Egypt. I wonder why.

It seems like the thing that happened back in London is still on her mind. No doubt that she's avoiding Chiaki and she's trying to drift away from him. It saddened her that her dream of performing with Chiaki wasn't realized and her debut happened with someone else. However, it also seems like she's also trying to get away from music. It was implied on her thoughts when the Chinese girl was talking about her being a pianist and wanting to hear her performance too. Nodame said that since she already did it properly and faced the music head on, she doesn't need to anymore. It's already enough.

Prior to this, Auclair was talking about how Stresemann messed up his plans. He talked about how he wanted to make Nodame realize that no matter what happens in her life, she has to be with music. And she has to know the true joy, meaning and pleasure that comes from music. He also talked about how bad it is that Nodame's dream is only to perform with Chiaki.

Saying that, it all makes perfect sense. The problem that Auclair was trying to avoid is for Nodame to give up music. We kept saying that it was Nodame's dream to perform with Chiaki. It didn't happened. However, there was a point in her life when she already acknowledged that it was because of that dream that she got that far. And like what happened back when the first time they got to Paris, when Chiaki's all busy and his career is taking off, Nodame decided to do a recital so that she herself could move forward. Now, she decided to do it again when she debuted with Stresemann.

When she's saying that she didn't want to do it anymore, she's thinking that it's already enough. Since, she can't perform with Chiaki, she decided to make her debut anyway. She can't fulfill that dream, so she'll rather do it anyway, even without Chiaki. Atleast, she's doing it for her music.

It's because, after that failed 'marriage proposal', she's giving up on Chiaki. So, maybe, she did that final act as a musician and then quit.

On the surface, you might think Nodame's being really shallow. Just because she can't be with Chiaki, she's quitting? She decided to face the music because that's all there is to it? Then after that, ta-ta piano playing?

However, when you think about it, it really wasn't in Nodame's plan to be a pianist. Though gifted, she wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. It just all changed when she met Chiaki-sempai. She wanted to be with him so she decided to pursue her music so she can be wherever Chiaki is. So, maybe, yes, her reason is shallow. And that's what Auclair-sensei wanted to change in her. He wanted Nodame to be truly in love with music so no matter what happens, when her only reason (Chiaki) for moving forward with music is gone, she'll stay with her music.

I wonder what's going to happen next?

In other stuff, we finally see Masayuki again. Looks like it's now time to patch up ongoing family problems.

Okay, I know it's already an eyesore for being so long but I just want to make another point. The very first thing that I noticed when I read chapter 130 is the inscription "The Fourth Movement" on the first page (in French). For those familiar, the fourth movement is usually the last movement in symphonies. Could it be that Ninomiya-sensei is hinting that Nodame Cantabile is nearing the end? It could be a new arc but I can feel it in my gut that it's gonna be the end. Nodame Cantabile is running for 9 years now.

Let's all wait for Nodame Cantabile Chapter 131 on June 10, shall we?


Amber said...

Wow, thank you for the summary! I was only able to get a hold of the RAW, and unstand just a bit of it. Is the next chapter going to be out sooner? I assumed from the last page... *shrugs*. Thank you for taking the time to post this!

Lei said...

Your welcome. I actually enjoy writing this stuff because I adore Nodame Cantabile.

Well, the next chapter is scheduled for a June 10 release

Anonymous said...

Thank you! thank you! thank you!
You're so wonderful to write the whole story down along with your thoughts...

I love nodame a lot.. and it makes me a little crazed knowing the raw is out but not being able to understand it... you're a great help...

i'll be back on june 10.. =p
just to read ur translations...

Thanks again~~~

Amanda said...

Thank you Lei! You also gave me a birhtday present! arigatou! Today is my 18th birthday... I was only able to read the raw before, and the few things I understood were just for the pictures... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really love Nodame Cantabile

jenn said...

thank you very much.

I and my daugther(6yrs old) love nodame cantabile.

we watch this drama series more than 30 times.

i can't wait to read the next chapter.hope that it will

release soon.

Unknown said...

thanks for the summary! i just got hold of the RAW manga and couldn't understand a thing =)
Nice thoughts too
I didn't know that nodame cantabile is 9 years old. I'm just new at reading the manga.
i hope the next chapter will be that soon (june10).. i'll be waiting for your next post (summary)

Anonymous said...

The last part made me want to hack up in mirth. Father figure?Shuichi's father? A 'father figure'? Come on. Is that a joke? The man's an ass. He doesn't know shit about responsibility nor commitment. He leaves his only child and wife, conquers his so
-called career and suddenly struts like a 'father figure' towards Chiaki in that theater at Italy? That's just bull. Why now? Of course. The issue with Nodame? Now it's gone to a different level.

What the heck; in Cairo? Of all twisted far-off places, it had to
be Egypt--which is perhaps a sense of 'at the end of the world' kind of romanticism being played here. And then Brazil for Chiaki. Well at least their distance would've been cut into half if Chiaki's flying off to Brazil the next moment. Now what the hell would his father want from him? If I'm not mistaken, I remember his father saying a curse as a passing remark to Nodame before. Hey, that was downright rude and unreasonable. What more if they'll be in-laws? He's a destruction of nature, why did he live on the first place? Oh yeah, for Chiaki. Of all fathers, he had to be Chiaki's.

So what now, is he trying to reconcile? I'm wondering what Ninomiya will do about their 'father-and-son' relationship. Is there gonna be like an I-screwed-up, son-speech? Better late than never, is that it?

This is all too strange. But I can see that element of romanticism that Ninomiya is infamous for playing; travelling does a great deal of suspense. Time and space changes things, putting characters at opposite directions of the world--quite literally apart from the ever apparent figuratively--but I do sincerely hope, as it is expected as a resolution to this story, that they will become that 'Golden Pair' Nodame once dreamed of...and most likely still do (as a present-to-day kind of story).

I'm also wondering if Ninomiya is planning to end the story soon. I can seen how she can do that by putting up all these twists. But, it would be too soon if you ask me. It can be wrapped up prettily like a fairy tale, but, I think it can be further enhanced by adding a few longer, obstacles say, a third party? On Nodame's side, hopefully--we have had enough of
Chiaki's 'ladies'. Esp. that Son Rui. She is such a man-grabber.

Great thing Chiaki doesn't see her in that special way--point-blank. At least truth be told, his love interest is purely directed to
Nodame. He doesn't see anybody else, as Ninomiya designed.

This is all very interesting of course, but again--Egypt, then
Brazil? Italy then Paris? Then there's even Tokyo and London.

Phew. These are some serious jetlags. No wonder they have to
be so rich. It'd be great if they can all boil in one pot and stop
flying for a while--see where the music takes them in that sole
singular place. - Spinx

Lei said...

Ninomiya-sensei really likes her characters to go all over the place. Geez. But I don't know if we have to pay so much attention to them or maybe she just like Cairo and Egypt?

I would love a third party for Nodame too because I never saw Chiaki got threatened by anybody.

For sure, something's gonna happen between Masayuki and Chiaki. It's high time he got some exposure so we can understand his character. Why did he do those things that he did?

Reconciliation is a likely thing to happen but I don't think it would come easily and I also wonder what part Masayuki would be playing with regards to Nodame and Chiaki.

Thanks for sharing your insights.

Lei said...

Oh, by the way, yes, I really think we are getting to the end. I'm already sad just by thinking about it.

Toni said...

wow, so sad if Nodame is coming to an end, I've been hooked by the Nodame bug. the way Chiaki and Nodame mature in their own respective lives, it really is addictive. Thank you the Chap 130 summary.