Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nodame Cantabile 132

Damn sorry, it took so long. I completely forgot it. I was preparing for my father's birthday last Saturday that it totally left my mind. Maybe, this chapter is already translated in online manga sites now. But anyway, for those who have the raws and don't understand it and for the sake of continuity, I'll still make this entry.

Onto the summary.

Lesson 132

Last chapter, we saw Nodame meeting Yadovi (Yadowi - whatever), the strange girl who lives on the top floor. Yadovi asked Nodame if the noise she created bothered her and Nodame said no. Yadovi showed Nodame her percussion instruments and she wondered why Yadovi have so many of them. The strange girl replied that she is making a composition. Yadovi showed her an African drum that she got from a flea market and some that she made on her own. The two started drumming and Yadovi said that she thinks that drumming is so much fun. Nodame saw Yadovi's piano and remembered that the piano is also a percussion instrument.

Nodame told her that back in Japan, she had also written a composition. Intrigued and interested, Yadovi asked her what kind of song is it and asked Nodame to play it for her. Nodame played her "fart exercise" song and the Mojamoja Suite. Yadovi liked it and said that she wanted to make one too. She started to play on the drums about something she called a Story of Hunger (talks about African animals. weird).

Mr. Nagata heard them playing and realized that Nodame is back. He didn't think that after she played the Beethoven, she would be back.

On the other hand, Chiaki woke up upon hearing a familiar music that he used to hear a lot in the past. His father, Masayuki, is playing the piano. He thought that his father is the type of person who can easily engrossed himself in music no matter what happens to people around him.

His phone beeped and when he looked at it, it was Nodame's phone number. He knew that it was from Elise who used Nodame's phone again. The Brazilian piece was already decided and Elise asked Chiaki to work on it. When he read what it was, he goes, "They're doing this piece? Whatever."

Scene shifted and now we see Tanya, Frank, Yunlong and Kuroki. The guys are asking Tanya about her graduation performance and she said that it was fine. Kuroki is babysitting for two kids. Then they hear the sound of drums coming from the apartment and realized that it was Yadovi making some noise again. One of the kids pointed out that there's also a sound of piano coming from the room. They were intrigued because who could be with Yadovi in there? A ghost? Her friend? Tanya walked to her room and opened the door.

Obviously, they were shocked to see Nodame there. They started to hound her with questions and scolded her for debuting without their knowledge and after that, disappearing suddenly. Yunlong wanted to get Nodame's autograph. He wanted to show it off. Frank asked Nodame what her plans are for the future and said that Chiaki and Madame Seiko are both worried about her.

Nodame ignored them and instead played with the girl who she called as Caroline. They don't understand why Nodame is ignoring them. Meanwhile, Kuroki opened his cellphone and started to text someone.



This chapter's kinda short. I was quite surprise when I saw that it only has 24 pages. After the long hiatus, yes, I was expecting something longer with even meatier details. But I guess what we got is a prelude to a lot of things.

One: What's Yadovi's part in Nodame's life going to be? Somehow, while they are having conversation with each other, Nodame became somewhat normal again. Then she retreated to her shell again when her friends came.

Two: Chiaki and his father. So, what now, they finally reconciled? Just like that? No, I am not looking for drama, I'm just wondering if Chiaki's already okay with his father.

Three: What's next for Nodame? I also want to know the answer to Frank's questions. Will she go back to school? To Auclair-sensei? To Stresemann?

Four: We all know who Kuroki texted right? Will Chiaki come rushing to Paris to see Nodame now that she's back? Or will he go to Brazil?

I'm so sorry that all I'm leaving are questions. I'm still just so out of it. I haven't fully digested this whole chapter. Maybe I'll edit this post when I think of something or if you have any thoughts, please share. Leave a comment in my cbox located on the sidebar or on the comment box below this post.

I still don't know when's the next chapter coming out. I'll put it here when I find out. Till then!


Megabyte said...

Thanks for the summary once again :) Hopefully the next chapter will have more answers as to Nodame's future. And maybe some interaction between Chiaki and Nodame? :3

Lei said...

@megabyte: thank you for reading it. I'm so sorry it took so long. I would love to see Nodame and Chiaki together again. ^__^

Unknown said...

Hello. I think that Chiaki will return to Paris before going to Brazil but are not reconciled, I think he is angry.

Lei said...

@carmen: that's one possible thing to happen. let's wait and see. ^__^