Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nodame Cantabile 133

Woohoo! Here it is. I was planning to do this post last Aug. 10 after reading the raws but something came up. Anyway, I'm also happy that Nodame is on the cover of Kiss Magazine.

Onto the summary.

Lesson 133

Nodame has come back to Paris.
What will happen when she finally meets Chiaki???

Chiaki finally arrived in Brazil but he was surprised to be brought to the beach by the guy who picked him up. The guy said that he wanted Chiaki to enjoy first and go sightseeing in the beach since it is his first time in Brazil. But Chiaki doesn't want to be in the beach.

In the concert hall, he met the concertmaster and a saxophone player from England named Jimmy. Jimmy is bright and friendly while Chiaki is quiet and gloomy. The other people in the rehearsal can't help but notice how the two are complete opposites of each other.

After the rehearsal, Chiaki and Jimmy got into a conversation. Jimmy was telling Chiaki about a female violinist and it seemed that he was interested in her. Aside from that, he is also commenting about Chiaki's personality. Jimmy was thinking that maybe it was because of the heat in this foreign country that's got Chiaki all stiff.

When Chiaki returned to hotel, he saw the message on his phone from Kuroki. (The last scene , Chapter 132) "Megumi-chan has come back to the apartment in Paris. She's doing fine." Aside from the text message, Kuroki also sent a video. Chiaki watched the scene where Nodame was playing her 'fart exercise" and laughing happily. Chiaki thought Nodame is happy with her life back in Japan.

The next morning, Chiaki saw Jimmy with the blonde violinist. They greeted each other and Jimmy said that he's thinking of getting married. Chiaki thought this was incredulous since the two only met yesterday. However, Jimmy was adamant about it.

While practicing, Chiaki has decided that he will accept Nodame's proposal. He thought that it might be already late and that she might've forgotten about it already but he has decided that he would say 'yes.' (Squeal!!!! about time, Chiaki, you damn, damn fool!!!)

Back in Paris, Nodame has become somewhat like a babysitter for kids. Tanya was surprised that there are even more kids playing with her. She wondered what Nodame is thinking, getting paid for doing something like this, since she has already debuted and very popular.

Kuroki, while looking at Nodame, remembered that she has always wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher before. He thinks that maybe, Nodame still hasn't changed.



When I was reading the raws last Monday, I felt like I was going crazy. Haha. Especially, when I read that part where Chiaki has finally decided to accept Nodame's proposal. Ah! It definitely feels like we're approaching the end. Okay, I know that we only have a few chapters left however, it didn't feel that way with the previous chapters. It felt like there was still so much more to happen. But seriously, after reading chapter 133, I felt that we are on the way to THE END. Now, why do I feel like Ninomiya-sensei is rushing things?

Aside from that, it looks like she's laying her plans for Nodame out in the open. Kuroki's comment regarding Nodame 'not changing at all' is a big thing. Nodame wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher before. That changed when she met and fell in love with Chiaki and decided to be with him everywhere he goes. That's why she tried to be a professional pianist. But, somehow, you think she's gonna end up like what she really wanted before she met Chiaki?

Well, personally, I think she'll do good as a teacher. She loves kids, and she's like a kid herself so it would be fun for her, for sure. A lot would surely think that she's going to lose a lot (after all, she's on her way to stardom.) But seriously, what's wrong with being a Kindergarten teacher???

So, back to Chiaki accepting Nodame's proposal. I'm happy with this development. Of course, I am rooting for them and I love the two of them to be together. However I am not sure if we can just let Chiaki get away with what he did to Nodame this easily. It sure took him forever to realize how important Nodame is to his life. Like what I've said, Chiaki you damn fool.

Wow, so many things happening to this manga and I'm loving it. Next chapter, I'm sure we're gonna see all the characters together.

Let's all wait for Nodame Cantabile Chapter 134 on August 25, shall we?

(P.S. ^_^ Tell me what you guys think. I love reading your own take on the situation. Leave a comment. We only have a few chapters to go before we say goodbye to our beloved manga.)

EDIT AFTER READING THE COMMENTS: (Actually, I posted this as a reply to the comments but just in case others don't read the comments section.)

Maybe Ninomiya-sensei just wants us to think a lot of 'what ifs.' I agree with 'Nodame being destined for something greater in music.'

And when I also read about Kuroki's comment about Nodame being a teacher, I wondered 'so what exactly are we following all throughout these years? Aren't we supposed to see Nodame grow? and Chiaki also? but more importantly Nodame since this is NODAME Cantabile???

Actually, a lot of questions are still left unanswered. I really hope that for 8 years, Ninomiya-sensei has carefully planned what will happen to this series because it started beautifully and until now, it's still wonderful and strong, so I really don't want it to fall short having a weak ending.

Phew! We are getting so worked up for this. A friend of mine thinks that Chapter 133 sucks and to her, it seemed that Ninomiya-sensei is like just lazing around and getting tired of writing. For me, I will still put my faith in Sensei. After all, for 8 years, she gave us a wonderful story despite her pregnancy, health problems and all. And if, (just if) we (or I for that matter) will get disappointed at the end, I still think that it was all worth it. Sometimes, the end isn't as important as the whole ride.

And even as of now, I can say that my whole Nodame Cantabile experience is one heck of a ride!!!

(Keep the comments coming. Reading other people's perspective to the story adds a whole new and different experience ^_^)


finna jagoan.neon said...

i hope will be a romantic moment in the next chapter and i hope chiaki can propose nodame, not nodame like before. and will be fine if nodame ignore chiaki's proposal until he look frustation. after that nodame will accept chiaki proposal :)
i want chiaki realise is not easy to get nodame.

but, i will sad if nodame stop play piano and be kindergarten teacher . because i'm really want see nodame and chiaki will play together at the tour concert until the end of time.

i'm really sorry because my english not really well :)

Lei said...

@finna: It is definitely better if it was Chiaki who proposed to Nodame but Chiaki is such an idiot. ^_^

Nodame and Chiaki doing a concert together is one thing that I will surely miss if Nodame decides to become a Kindergarten teacher. Maybe, she can have a concert first with Chiaki then afterwards, do what she wants to do - be it a teacher or something else.

Thanks for commenting and don't worry about your English, I can perfectly understand you. ^_^

Thanks again for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

wow! I'm so excited to see waht on the next installment! Thanks for your summary, without it I won't be able to sleep thinking what was the 133 all about. Thanks!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Seriously the end is near, almost cry. so good seeing them, Nodame and Chiaki in a lovely situation...but only the thinking that no more Nodame Cantabile make me feel sad.
In this chapter, I can not stop thinking: Chiaki damn fool. Late but, i do not think that are so late because Nodame, she is so crazy for Chiaki and she will forgive him. I wanna little painful for Chiaki. And perhaps both can make music and a happy life, they are geniuses in music.
They will be married and he will be a famous conductor and she will be a famous pianist and in their free time or in a section of their professions, they would work with or for the kids.
Thanks a lot.

Princess said...

thanks for posting Chapter 133... Chiaki finally comes to his sense about Nodame being the most important person in his life. but i really want to see how Nodame would turn out to be, because, although she's great with the kids, i really think she's destined to become someone more famous and recognised than just a kindergaten teacher - she MUST use her music talents to make people love and understand music, the way she feels it. that's what i think the mangaka tries to achieve (or make Nodame realises it). i'm looking forward to chapter 134 in end august so please, we need your help again soon :)

Megabyte said...

As nice it would be for Nodame to become a kindergarten teacher, I have a feeling she won't once Chiaki comes back. It would be a bit anti-climatic if she were to suddenly give up the piano after we see her grow through 133 chapters. :D

Hopefully the mangaka is not rushing as Nodame and Chiaki deserve something better. :)

Thanks for your summaries, they're very convenient and well-written. It's nice to read another perspective.

Lei said...

Maybe Ninomiya-sensei just wants us to think a lot of 'what ifs.' I agree with 'Nodame being destined for something greater in music.' And when I also read about Kuroki's comment about Nodame being a teacher, I wondered 'so what exactly are we following all throughout these years? Aren't we supposed to see Nodame grow? and Chiaki also? but more importantly Nodame since this is NODAME Cantabile???

Actually, a lot of questions are still left unanswered. I really hope that for 9 years, Ninomiya-sensei has carefully planned what will happen to this series because it started beautifully and until now, it's still wonderful and strong, so I really don't want it to fall short having a weak ending.

Thanks for commenting guys. I appreciate all of it.

Unknown said...

I don't think Chiaki is an idiot, Nodame is a strange and impredictable person. Is normal that Chiaki been mad but absolutly fascinated.
I'm surprised he accept the proposal.

But Nodame refuses he again, Chiaki don't will forgive. I think they will meet in Paris and happy end!!

The future of Nodame, the most important thing (because Chiaki loves her piano). Now she leave the musica because she feel rejected by Chiaki and jealous of Son Rui.
Before, the possibility of studying near Chiaki, gave strength.
Living together as a couple, will give she full of confidence and finally may become a professional.

Sorry, my english is patetic and basic, I hope you understand my theory.

Anonymous said...

!!! T_T i hope nodame does go onto become pro!! what a waste of 133 chapters if she doesn't!!

But then again...the author is probably trying out all the 'what if's' and teasing us :P

Can't wait till the next chapter! Thanks for the summary :D

Melissa said...

I'm surprised the whole arc of them apart is going to be all about him deciding to accept her proposal. I am one of the few who while I think he should treat her better, I wasn't sure how serious she was when she asked him or even why she asked like she did.

So, I sort of understood his reaction to what she did. Then she ran away and wouldn't see him. There was obviously a feeling of adbondement there because he was moving forward and as always she wasn't. I'm not sure going back and asking her to marry him works. She still has to figure out what to do with herself because marrying him. So, I'm not sure even if he came back and asked her if she'd accept.

I don't think she'll be a teacher full time. She'll probably end up doing both and finally getting to perform with Chiaki.

rownelee said...

it gets more exciting... infact almost all of us is up to something for the story of nodame cantibile...
but i hope that this time around chiaki wil show how much nodame means to him as a person n not bcoz of her piano!
am too glad i could shyr my filings wit others tru dis...
*sory for some shortcutted terms.
hope u understand it!

Matthias said...

Can someone help me.. because of the long break in chapters I can't remember in which chapter Nodame proposed... remind me please.

I love Nodame and I too am sad to think about this story ending. I have just enough patience to wait for each new chapter - and that's only cause I know a new chapter is coming - what will I do when it's over! ack!

I'm excited to see Chiaki taking things seriously and being impacted in a new way by her absence. I hope it doesn't end too quickly. Nodame needs to have her day, or at least for her to understand how she is to relate to classical music in general and more importantly her own music.

Lei said...

@matthias: Hi. It was back in Chapter 123 when Nodame proposed to Chiaki.

becomingxsnow said...

I'm so glad that chiaki finally sees that she's more important than music i just hope it's not too late as for Nodame... I mean i think she really loves music but she's just confused right now either way i'm keeping my finger crossed for a romatic ending :D they're seriously perfect for each other. :]

Alzina said...

i just started reading the manga a few days back and finally caught up to i'm not aware of the story coming to an end...has the mangaka stated when or within how many chapter's she's going to end it? sorry for asking a very silly question...
as for the next chapter...why do i have a feeling that we're going to see a twist in the story...i mean chaiaki has finally realized his feelings...but what resolutions did nodame come to...ooh i can't wait for it to come!!
cheers ^.^

Princess said...

is chapter 134 out today? i cant wait... pls help us with the summary again, Lei... :)

Alzina said...

thanks a lot for the link...i would like more chapters as well...i mean it can't really finish in 2 chapters right...
i hope 134 is out already...i can't wait to read it
thanks again...
cheers =)

flan said... you can read chapter 134, but sorry it is in nihon-go...

but there is the translation, so for you who can't read kanji, you will still be able to enjoy this chapter.. :)

enjoy it!! ^_^