Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nodame Cantabile Grand Finale!

Hello guys! So, we've finally come to the end of the line. I received the raws while at office yesterday morning and I felt so frustrated that I can't read it on the spot. After I read it, I'm so not in the mood to write the summary because I feel sad. It was so rushed. None of the things I was expecting to happen, happened. Ninomiya-sensei just wanted to wrap the whole thing up.

Okay, onto the summary.

Nodame Cantabile Chapter 136: Last Lesson

(Don't they look so good together? Kyaah!)

Nodame went to meet Auclair-sensei at the Paris Conservatory of Music. Auclair-sensei asked her if she has bounced back already from her illness. Nodame said yes and told him that she wanted to study again. However, it was bad timing because the classes already ended and Auclair-sensei got a performance the next day. He told Nodame to take the make-up classes and he also told her that the Bunoa family from Saint Malo Castle wanted her to perform again this summer. Nodame accepted the request and will be practicing hard throughout vacation.

On the other hand, Chiaki was cleaning up Nodame's apartment and was carrying two big bags of garbage. He met two new students who'll be occupying in the apartment of Chiaki's mother. He said that his mother is once again gathering weird students.

Yunlong has finally went back to China and was telling Tanya that he'll give her a teaching position in their school. Tanya did well in her exams and is now entering competition. Frank, on the other hand, is going to have a concert with Rui in a music festival. Chiaki and Nodame were talking about it and Chiaki felt envious of him. Nodame asked him in what music festival will he be performing however, it turned out that it wasn't a music festival. It is a harvest festival.

Chiaki was definitely dumbfounded. He didn't understand how it turned out this way. Why does he need to perform music for onions? But still, they did a good performance.

Kuroki and Tanya are on a train on their way to Germany. Kuroki asked Tanya to be his accompanist in the oboe competition. Tanya thought they would be staying in the same hotel. Kuroki said that he got a different one for her. Tanya was a bit against it and Kuroki blushed. Realizing that he mistook her words, she backtracked and said that it was lonely to be alone. The two started to read the notes together.

A music that was written over a hundred years ago has the power to bring together people who were so different, from their gender to their eye color, to the country from which they were born in, together.

People who thought they can never agree on anything, blend in harmony over a single note.

Apparently, the above phrase was being said by Chiaki to Nodame. They were in... a beach? (It looks like an ocean but they were sitting in some grassy land not on the sand, so maybe they're not near the beach actually but somewhere elevated. Chiaki's afraid of the ocean right?) Nodame told him that, that kind of thing doesn't only happen to him. It is happening to people all over the world.

Ryuka was also there with them and he said that someday he will be greater conductor than Chiaki. Also, it appears that he was being homeschooled.

Elise and Stresemann were in an amusement park and she told him that she got Nodame to perform for the London Philharmonic again. Stresemann was happy about it but said that he'll always be Nodame's first guy. (Perverted meaning. LOL) He was also happy that Nodame and Chiaki are finally together as one.

In Saint Malo, everyone is talking about Nodame's concert with Stresemann before. A lot of people came to see her perform this time. They were saying that she's very lucky because she has never even won in a competition before.

On the other hand, Nodame was in Mozart's costume again.

Nodame: Bonjour! Je m'appelle NODAME. I'm gonna have fun playing so please try your best to listen to it.

Chiaki: Here we go again...






Can I honestly say that I was a bit disappointed?

Like I said, Ninomiya-sensei just wanted to wrap the whole thing up. She did her best to include everyone (in Paris) in the finale. We get to see the path the other characters are heading onto now.

Nodame's back on track. She's going to study again and on the same time perform too.
Chiaki is still on his way to become a great conductor.
Kuroki and Tanya are together and they're moving towards music together.
Yunlong is back with his family and maybe he'll succeed in China.
Frank is finally getting some attention. His concert with Rui is going to be a huge thing.
Stresemann, though very close to being deaf now, has lived a full life. So, he's now having fun.

But still, it wasn't quite enough. If she wanted to do that, I would've wanted to see the members of the S Orchestra and the R*S Orchestra. What happened to them?

My rambling will just be short because in my opinion, this chapter is not yet the finale. There would be a bangaihen (extra chapter) on December 12. Maybe we'll see the other characters from Japan there.

Also, this chapter is all about the characters FACING MUSIC HEAD ON AND JOURNEY THROUGH MUSIC. I'm holding out hope that on the extra story, we'll see what has become of the romance between Chiaki and Nodame.

After all, we're all NodamexChiaki's shippers aren't we?

See you guys next month. I'll still be back to do the summary for the extra story.

Leave your comments and opinions of the so-called Grand Finale.


Anonymous said...

So the story, the suck end. Ninomiya sensei kill us, for what the whole story?, If she gave that...Nodame Cantabile was great but with this... extra chapter,not alwasys follows the previous chapter, whatever...I´m so mad.

Anonymous said...

yeah, same here. I'm really disappointed with the finale. I couldn't believe that that was the end. I hope the side stories will bridge the gap.

callosum said...

I'm guessing the extra chapter will have them back in Japan, Chiaki guest-conducting the RS orchestra with Nodame playing a concerto. Then Symphony no. 7 again? Haha.

Unknown said...

I'm starting off by saying, i've never commented but i've been coming to your blog for several months now and i love it!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and info about Nodame!!! <3

OK. I JUST read the chapter. And i feel the same you do. :( Its quite shocking, this manga is SO incredible and this end is just not deserving of it. Things were not wrapped up clearly between Nodame & Chiaki. It just makes me think this CANT be the end, and like you, I will hope for that extra chapter you mentioned with all my shipper heart. Their relationship is what we've been following throughout the whole manga, its what the fans care most about I'd say. It felt through the whole chapter that we weren't close to them at all. Like we were strangers to them. Ha, thats the best i can describe it. Sighhh.

I still love it to death, but I need to know that Nodame knows Chiaki loves her completely finally. That's all i need. I will be happy with even that!! I love these two characters, how nothing has separated them. Their strange love kept them together through so much, its such a lovely story. <3 An ultimate romance imo.
/ending now i could talk forever

Mouchita Cantabile said...

I´m agree with you, the end was rushed and I hoped to see something like Chiaki accept the Nodame´s proposal and he get refused (for the 3rd or 4th time) or maybe he get accepted, or something like a gift: a ring to Nodame for a marriage proposal.
I know is not a shoujo manga but I expected to see something more romantic between Chiaki and Nodame. They didn´t do the concert together, Nodame´s proposal was refused, and now in this chapter they´re together but it´s all....
San Marlo is Saint Malo (Nord of France), and Chiaki and Nodame are in the ocean in Saint Malo, because Chiaki accompanied her for her concert (in another chapter they are there with Tanya and Kuroki).

Anonymous said...

The ending got me kind of depressed, as i was expecting more. It was too quick to end, there were too many possibilities open....too many gaps. This is what happens when you try to end a story about a person's life...probably the only satisfactory way for me for Nodame Cantabile is see Nodame and Chiaki get married, get old, and then die LOL! not that i want them to...but at least it doesnt leave us off wondering in disappointment and such..and btw, i hate how chiaki rubbed of Nodame's proposal and how Nodame got over it, and that the topic didnt get mentioned again. ugh...

Anonymous said...

i hope you can also do a review of opera cohen ^__^

ALL Stuff said...

so sad and so bad---
I'm really sad and disappointed with the finale..
it isn't the end...
There's a gap...
I thought it'll be a ultimate concert with the R*S Orchestra..
adn even between chiaki and nodame... is end like this?
I wanted the end... but this end make me feel depressed... while the whole other chapter cheer me up

cookiesxpiano said...

I personally thought the ending didn't wrap the story up nicely. It just made me think "Thats all?? There's nothing more?"I'm really disappointed.. I also thought that there wasn't anything conclusive between Nodame and Chiaki's relationship(which,by the way, I was hoping for in the final season but alas) There wasn't anything even remotely romantic between them at all,I actually thought they broke up. Furthermore, the proposal didn't even get mentioned again. What's up with that??? So I(like everyone else here) am hoping for an extra chapter to actually make EVERYTHING come to terms(and make me less confused :<)

Anonymous said...

I can just agree with all the people here .... i was a mediocre end, i still love the series to dead, but .... really? .... there should at least have been something about the proposal furthermore chiaki at some point said (in his mind) that he would have accepted her proposal now .........
I mean their romance is one of the main themes through the whole series .... and this ... isn´t finished properly ...

Anonymous said...

im sad and disappointed i wanted more...oh well but at least and i think i speak for was a good manga and we all enjoyed every minute of it...the rest of the story is up to our imaginations! :)

Anonymous said...

Actually, Nodame Cantabile did not end with chapter 136. There are 10 chapters after that under the name of Nodame Cantabile Opera Hen.

Anonymous said...

I love Nodame Cantabile... But the end sucks pls plan a better end...Don't rush...